Sunday, September 2, 2007

New Hats and Social Networking

Well, I'm still frantically trying to get ready for the craft show at the end of this month. And I'm still feeling like I'm never going to have enough stuff ready. I'm trying to be calm. (I'm not very good at it.) I've been crocheting these children's hats for the show. The picture needs some work for when I list them on Etsy, but I guess you can see what they're like.

I also just made this kid's hat. I love the tassels. I just think it's so fun--I hope you can tell how adorable it is from this picture.

I've been meaning to mention the social networks that I recently joined--We Love Etsy and Indiepublic. I'm still feeling my way around, but I'm having fun with it. I need to do some work on my pages, but I think it's going to have to wait until after the craft show because I just don't have time. Still it's fun--if you like Etsy or are interested in independent art and design in general, you should definitely check it out.

1 comment:

Alpaca Granny said...

Liz, let me tell you how the cable works - put 2 stitches on a needle behind your work, knit 2 stitches, and then knit the 2 that were behind. You must try after your show.